Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Well, It Made The Times Ten Best List, But...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Even Donna Tartt was more engaging? And where the hell is "Night Film?????"

                                                 Every list includes a major short story collection, and the way this one has been talked about all year, I knew it was the one to be picked. But, really, except for a compelling start--the opening story, "Victory Lap," the stories have a sameness to them, a kind of sci-fi quality that does nothing for me, not being much of a sci-fi reader.  Can Saunders write?  Well, he parses words nicely, but when it comes to compelling subject matter, he seems limited, or, maybe more to the point, afraid to venture beyond a certain comfort zone!

                                                  I knew I would read it as soon as it made the list!  I know some who think Saunders is the greatest!  I wish it could concur!  This book was readable, to be sure, but repetitious, and did not leave me with a desire to read more of Saunders.

                                                   Now George Eliot, that is something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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