Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"You Ever Operate An Outboard Motor?" "Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   That would not have been the answer I would have given, girls, but, then, I was never  Tippi Hedren, as Melanie Daniels, in "The Birds."  But I wanted to be!

                                     I was reminded of this last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, when I settled down that afternoon, and watched a Hitchcock orgy that included my two faves, "Psycho," and then "The Birds."
First, Norman Bates, with his Mommy issues, then Melanie, with her fashion ones.  I simply LOVE the scene where she turns up at Annie Hayworth's (Suzanne Pleshette) house, with all her night things in a paper bag, to which Annie replies, "Well...it certainly is utilitarian!"  They don't write lines like that, anymore, darlings!
Nor do they have actresses, like Suzanne Pleshette!

                                      But, getting back to Tippi--how I would love that green outfit, hair style and make-up. But, darlings, what I want the most, what I have ALWAYS wanted, and this is my special Christmas request--never mind Camp Granada--what I want for Christmas, if it were possible, is a replica of the fur coat Tippi wears in "The Birds."  I mean, if I ever get to cross Grant Street in San Francisco, how can I not have it on????????

                                       I wonder if Tippi's was real fur?  And whose?  But mine does not have to be; it just has to look like the coat, and be big enough to fit me, which means it will be larger than Tippi's size!!!!!!!!!

                                       Perhaps Tippi still has it, in her personal collection!  If I were she, I damn well would have kept it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Especially, considering the film's 50 year durability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I'll tell you what!  If you can't get the coat, how about a Melanie Daniels doll? I believe it is called a "'Birds' Barbie!!!!!!!!!!!"   I have several spots I can think of, where I can display it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           OK, darlings?????????????????????????????????????????


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