Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Alas, My Vacation Is Winding Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Such a sad time, when that Holiday Season and vacation ends!  Which is why the timing of Ann Morrison's show could not have been more perfect, and thank God for my beloved Monsieur, who will help me get through this difficult  wintry period.

                                    And what a vacation it was!  A cacophony of fun, time spent with all my girls, as well as others, lots of reading, writing, movies....everything a vacation is for!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But tomorrow, I return to the drama of the Workplace, and Lord knows what I will find!!!!!  When I left, there was enough furor going round to mount two road companies of "August:Osage County."  I can only wonder what this year will hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If this were the best of all possible worlds, to paraphrase "Candide," work time would equal vacation time, and vice versa--but we would still get the same 52 week salary.  Which, I suppose says something about me!!!!!!!!  But, hell, a girl has just gotta have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, like those Seven Dwarfs, off to work I go--tomorrow!!!!!!!!  Not to  worry; you will be hearing from me!!!!!!!  Think I can be stopped???????  As Violet Weston says, "Nothing slips past me!!!!!!!!!!!'

                                        Off to enjoy my last hours of freedom.  Next time you hear from me, should be from my cubicle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Arrivederci, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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