Thursday, January 2, 2014

"And What's More, Baby...She Caaaaaaan Cook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Our first Bitch Of The Week, for 2014!  Isn't that exciting, darlings??????????????

                              If you were a business executive who wanted to cook your books, you could not ask for anyone better than Margaret Barbera, our Bitch Of The Week.  Poor thing; she grew up lonely and in Queens!!!!!!!!  So, that gives her the right to scheme?  Guess she thought so.  Someone should have told Margaret she was not the only one to grow up lonely, and in Queens.  I mean, look at Ellen Barkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But, before we get to Margaret, girls, I have to ask, what is it about Queens???  It seems to be the New York side of the Hudson's version of New Jersey.  It gets joked about, and blamed for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Is that really fair, loves?  Plenty of nasty things happen in the Bronx, Brooklyn...and don't get me started on Staten Island!!!!!!!!!!  Remember the documentary, "Cropsy????????"

                               As for Margaret, she worked her way through three companies, turning their fortunes around with her "cooking" techniques.  Then, she kind of fled, before any had the chance to find out they had been played for fools.  By the time they had, Margaret had moved on.

                               She ended up at the rather small jewelry firm of Irwin Margolies, back in the 1980s.  Margaret was a loner, a spinster, living alone, in Queens, but there was a lot more to her, because she not only knew how to falsify records, she hired a friend, 46-year-old Jenny Chin, to work with her!  And even more than that, darlings, because the two began a torrid....lesbian love affair!  Now, don't let that frighten you!  Lesbians need love, too....I think!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This was back in the early Eighties.  Three decades ago, and more!  I was just a sweet, tender thing!  Just like now, only more so!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   By April of 1982, Jenny had gone missing, and Margaret was found shot on a parking lot rooftop!!!!!!!!!

                                   I was convinced Edward Chin, Jenny's husband, did it!!!!!!!!!  He was very big, then, in Manhattan's Chinatown community, and...can you imagine...finding out your wife is not only having an extramarital affair...but a lesbian one????????????

                                     Grossness plus!  His image would have been shattered, his career, and his perfectly constructed little life.  After the whole thing went down, I don't know what happened to Edward.  But, with Jenny out of the picture, he could, at least move on.

                                       Cultural outlook in Chinatown is not what one would call flexible!  There was no lesbianism  in "Flower Drum Song!"  And that was San Francisco's Chinatown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But Edward Chin did not murder Jenny, or Margaret!  It turned out to be their boss, Irwin Margolies.  When the Feds began probing, and closing in on him and his schemes, and Margaret decided to cooperate with authorities, he saw him self two liabilities who had to be silenced on a permanent basis.  So he gave each gal a permanent wave...with a lead lotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, why isn't Margolies Bitch Of The Week????????????????

                                           Because Margaret fits the bill better.  Uppity Miss from Queen, who thinks she can rise above her station, and lacks scruples in order to do so!!!!!!!!  She could have said no the first time anyone on any of her jobs asked her to cook the books...and move on!!!!!!  But, no, Margaret wanted to keep on riding that Gravy Train, darlings, not to mention getting all that lesbo love, and what did she get for her troubles???????  A shot in the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Margaret cannot be called dumb.  She had been an Honor student.  She   would have made strides in the business world, on her own merits, had she remained honest!!!!!!!!  But she was greedy, and wanted what she wanted, and when!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              What else can someone like that be called, but a bitch????????  So, Margaret you are the Raving Queen's choice this week!  Thanks for helping get 2014 off to an interesting start!!!!!!!!!!   I can't wait to  see what vipers the remaining 51 weeks now bring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And, girls, if you do any cooking, make sure it is only in the kitchen!!!!!!  As far as I am concerned, books are to be read, not cooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. seem to be the raving bitch. Unfortunately, not everything you read is the truth. Margaret was family. I grew up with her living next door to us ...spent vacations, holidays and weeknight dinners with her....on Grandview Avenue in Queens....she was an amazing and loving person and while I was too young to really understand what she was doing at her job, I do know that she was not a lesbian and that she was a good person who unfortunately made some horrible mistakes which eventually took her life. But you, sitting behind your computer thinking you are almighty warrior, are a coward and you win the BITCH award for life. I will start a blog on you to make the award official.


  2. You do that, dear. Send me that blog link, because I will bitch you out!
    Margaret may indeed have had some good paths, but she took a wrong turn somewhere. And I don't mean lesbianism. Like so many capitalist pigs, greed got the better of her!

  3. I know this is an old story,but I knew Barberra family,on Belmont Ave,that included Rosemary,Janie,Ross,and Billie,I was wondering if this girl is from that family.


  4. Nite Liter,
    Thanks for sharing.
    I wish I could answer your
    question, but I honestly have no idea!
