Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Baby Jane Hudson Made The Money That Paid For This House! That's Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                    "Hah!" What do YOU think?????????"
                                                       --Bette Davis to Joan Crawford in "What Ever
                                                     Happened To Baby Jane?"
                                 That Blanche!  I was always on the side of Baby Jane, because Blanche thought she was SO damned special.  Miss Butter Wouldn't Melt In Her Mouth, just like Joan Crawford, who was actually playing her public image of herself.

                                      What got me into this mood, this morning?  Well, I recently read an article on how to deal with prima donnas, which, being of the theater, is something I know about, because I can be a bit of one myself.   But, then, I realized that it boils down less to being a prima donna, and more to being a person's whipping boy.

                                          Like the woman in Park Slope, who thought Monsieur and I were not moving fast enough for  her to get home, as it was all about her.  Or people who cannot keep their mouth shut when they should, and end up deconstructing social interactions they are not supposed to be at the helm of.   Or someone with issues who simply lashes out at you, because they have had a bad day, and want to blame you for it, or, more importantly, bring you down to their level.

                                            Well, to all and sundry who fit these descriptions, as Peter Finch said in "Network," "I am mad as hell, and I am not gonna take it any more!"

                                               Who the hell do you all think you are that you can just dump on me?????
Especially when I am so far superior to you, and you are all SO beneath me! Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  But chickens do come home to roost, dolls!  Who knows, maybe I will bury you in the sand, like Jane metaphorically buries Blanche on the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Either way, darlings, I WILL bury you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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