Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bad Movie Etiquette Knows No Geographic Limits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Have you heard, girls, about the movie theater shooting, at the Cobb Theatre, in Wesley Chapel, Florida??????  This sure ain't no Chapel Of Love, I can tell you.  A retired cop, 71 years old--and of course he was carrying his gun with him, right into the theater--shot a 43 year old man, Chad Oulston.  The cop, Curtis Reeves, Jr. was furious, because Ouslson would not stop texting, during a screening of "Lone Survivor."

                              There is so much wrong with this story, darlings, I don't know where to begin. Let's start with the fact that they are seeing "Lone Survivor."  We are not dealing with high artistic principles or taste!!!!!!!!  The other--and I address this to both parties--is they were both pissed with what the other was doing, so why didn't anyone just get up, and move to another area????????  That way Oulston might still be alive, and Reeves would not be facing a murder rap!

                                  One thing is for certain. You cannot blame the Sunshine State for this.  Casey Anthony, yes, but not this.  In New York, I have seen fights break out between people who either are texting or won't turn their cell phone lights off.  More and more, people, thanks to technology, don't know how to relax, or have quiet time, like letting a movie wash over you as an entertaining experience. They want entertainment in front of them, while they keep entertaining themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I will never forget November 17, five years ago this year, when I attended what should have been a happy event.  A screening of "The Wizard Of Oz"--my favorite!!!!!!!--was held one night at the Chelsea Theatre, to mark the 70th Anniversary.  Which is the last time I have seen the film on screen!!!!!!!!!   The audience was packed with adults, devoted to this film from years of growing up watching it annually on TV.  Just minutes before the lights went down, in walked this couple--some macho dude, and a woman who was obviously his girl friend, with a 4-year-old daughter, who was clearly hers, and was not about to sit still.  She spent the entire preview period, running up and down the aisle, and no one stopped her.  Sure, people called out, but these pleas were ignored. When I leaned forward to say something, the guy looked at me, like I was wrong.  He hit me with his chair, butting his seat into me.  I made a bigger fuss. The woman, to her credit, and took the child, and moved to another area. The guy, just as the Metro lion came on screen, so, as far as I was concerned, my experience was ruined, said something about waiting to get me outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I sat through the film, but it wasn't the joyous experience it ought to have been. When I left, I looked around, and asked for the manager.  I told her the story, describing the guy.  She not only gave me some free passes to shows, she had one of the guys working there walk me to the subway!  My hat is off to her, and everyone at Chelsea!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, nutso stuff can happen anywhere. In retrospect, once I saw the problem I should have moved. But, dammit, I was there first, this was MY film, and tomorrow was MY birthday.  I was not about to budge.

                                         From now on I will. Because I want to keep on celebrating some more birthdays!!!!!!!!

                                            Watch out, now, at the movies, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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