Friday, January 17, 2014

Congratulations, Meryl, Amy, and Jonah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Everything seems so rushed these days, in the Age of Technology!   I can recall when the Oscar nominations would not be announced till March, with the awards in April!  It gave you something to push toward, with the Long Winter to get through, and a reward at the end.  It was an exciting time, because movies, face it, were more exciting, back then!

                                This year's announcements not only caught me off guard, I was like, "What? Already?"  And I was not especially excited about the movie lineup, having seen so few movies this year, and I am not planning on seeing all of the nominated films; maybe a few!

                                 But congratulations to the DIVINE MERYL on her 18th Oscar Nomination, for her brilliant turn as Violet Weston in "August:Osage County."  You know I would love to see MERYL win, but she won't, but I am telling you, if they give it to that goddamn Sandra Bullock for looking gaga in space, you can count on my bitching on here!  Face it, Sandra!  June Lockhart looked better on "Lost In Space!"

                     Now, you know, girls, there is no one lovelier out there than Miss Amy Adams.  I cannot wait to see what she is going to be wearing to the ceremonies!!!!!!!!!  And, with this her fourth Oscar nod, Amy has got to win, sometime soon.  And this may be the time!  But I can;'t get all excited about "American Hustle;" the subject just does not interest me.  Still, if Amy wins, I will be more  than happy.  The only one in the Best Actress lineup. besides MERYL, deserving of an award!

                      Which brings me now, darlings to....Jonah Hill?  That  is right!  Mr. Hill is a very interesting case.  He is in a film I have an interest in--"The Wolf Of Wall Street"--since it knocks capitalism and corporate greed!  But it takes three hours to do it.  Come on, Marty, (Scorsese) reign it in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to hand it to Jonah, because every time he steps outside his comfort zone of schlock comedy, he scores big!  Remember "Moneyball?"  He can be a very interesting actor, when given the chance; something Adam Sandler sure cannot do!  I don't think Jonah himself realizes how good he is.   He may not get the award this time out, but I feel someday he will, and then, he will find out!

                          So, my congrats to the only things worth mentioning in the Oscar lineup.  You know I will be watching, come March 2, girls, and boy, what a gabfest we will have, then!

                          See you on the Red Carpet, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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