Friday, January 10, 2014

Darlings, I Just LOVE Cynthia Nixon As Dorie, In The 'SVU' Episode, "Alternate!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   There is something to be said about forgotten pleasures, darlings; when experienced beyond the point of remembrance, the potency of that first exposure does come back.  Such was the case, the other day, when I happened to catch the "Law And Order SVU" episode, entitled "Alternate."  This was actually the season opener of the ninth year, and featured a standout performance by Cynthia Nixon, in a role that, I believe, won her a well deserved Emmy.

                                     However, if you are one of those who had seen and recall the 1996 Richard Gerre-Edward Norton film, "Primal Fear," you could not help noticing that this was a redo of that.  In that film, Norton played an over aged altar boy named Aaron Stampler, who had a violent persona named Roy, lurking beneath. Roy supposedly murdered the pedophile Archbishop Rushman, who is found to be making porno movies of their sexcapades with his altar boys and Secretary, Linda, who is also murdered by Roy.
In the end, it turns out the whole thing was fake; Roy IS the true persona; there was never any Aaron.

                                      The question is, was the homicide justifiable??????????????

                                       Pretty much the same thing happens here. Cynthia Nixon plays a patient named Janis Donovan, who is being treated by a therapist, who is also Cynthia.  It turns out Cynthia has a galaxy of personalities.  My favorite is Dorie, this young teenager, who has the hots for Elliot--understandable enough--but who turns up on  his doorstep, menacing his wife, Kathy, in her living room, clutching a knife.  This is Cynthia's best moment; she brings such humor to a murderous psychopath! And she has both the figure and acting chops, to pull it off!  As for Isabel Gillies, as Kathy, she shows why she was such a vivid presence on this show, and why she is so missed now, which is one reason why the current season is going down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Things get pretty much wrapped up when Janis' sister, Cass  Magnall (played by Laurie Allen) shows up.  She has just been released from prison, and reunited with her sister.  A day or so later, the parents of these two girls, Fred and Molly Donovan, are found, stabbed and murdered, in  bed, in their apartment..   It turns out the girls have been pulling a ruse; while in prison, Cass was obsessively reading the book "Sybil," and looking into murder cases where those suffering from multiple personality gets off. Their scheme almost works; Janis, the one better able to pull off this ruse, acting wise, hence casting Cynthia Nixon,  goes on trial, and is acquitted, but when the ruse is discovered, Cass is arrested, and hauled back to prison for conspiracy to  commit murder.

                                          But you have to understand. Fred and Molly Donovan were sexually and emotionally abusing their daughters, from birth. By the time she reached sixteen, Janis wisely took off, guilt ridden over leaving Cass with having to deal with the abuse. And look how Cass turned out?  So, I have no trouble with Fred and Molly getting theirs, not at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            You reap what you sow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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