Tuesday, January 28, 2014

He Taught Generations A Lot, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "Where have all the flowers gone?
                                                Young girls have picked them everyone.
                                                 Oh, when will they ever learn?
                                                 Oh, when will they ever learn?"
                                                     --Pete Seeger, "Where Have All The Flowers Gone"

                                      The passing of Pete Seeger--at a ripe old 94--sadly is another symbol of an era's ending.  He educated generations with his music, artistry, and social consciousness, long before Judy, Joan or Joni took up their instruments. Thank God they are still around to carry on Pete's legacy.

                                         Very few my age do not know "Where Have All The Flowers Gone," but some may not realize that a song he actually wrote--the social protest classic "If I Had A Hammer"--did not actually become a hit, until Peter, Paul and Mary recorded it.  They sold it, but they did not write it. Pete Seeger did.  And I never realized he had a hand in the composing of "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine."

                                           Generations learned from Pete, and now his survivors must continue to teach succeeding generations his legacy, keeping the music and the messages going.  His  passing is sad, but the work will live on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Rest In Peace, Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               You did not think I would let an opportunity to share the artistry get away from me, now, would you? So, here is Pete doing his signature, "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"

                                                 Followed, inevitably, by Peter, Paul and Mary--at Newport, I think-- doing "If I Had A Hammer!!"  This one still brings me to tears!!!!!!!!!  And how Mary is missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Sing On, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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