Friday, January 31, 2014

How About Mothers-In-Law From Hell, Darlings????????????????

                            No sooner was I referencing Hedra Carlson in my last post, then I started thinking about real life Mother-In-Law From Hell, Carol Carlson. She, and her son, Dan, were SO ugly, I could not fiond pictures of them, darlings!!!!!  Together, with  Dan, they killed Dan's wife, Lisa, so they could get custody of the twin boys.  Lisa and Dan were about to get a divorce, and she was going to leave, because she finally did come to her senses!  But all that stopped on July 18, 1998, in rural Kapowsin, Washington.

                            What Lisa did not realize was that Dan was just one step shy of being Norman Bates.  You know the old rhyme, "Sex, sex, sex, with Oedipus Rex!  He Loved his mother?"  Pretty darn close, here.

                             The first red flag was when the Carlsons, under the guise of helping the financially strapped couple, had them move into a guest house on their own property, just hundreds of feet away from their own home. Then Carol, because of extreme proximity, could start telling Lisa how to raise their children.  Meanwhile, Lisa discovers the reason they moved there was that Dan was in a shit load of debt--credit cards, and the like (but what did he spend it on????)--and the parents bailed out their psychologically castrated son!!!!!!!!

                           Dan Carl;son was one guy who should not have gotten married, because the only love in his life was Mama.  And Carol made sure of that!  You know what he was?  A male nurse!  I am telling you, if he had never married Lisa, and with Carol as a mother, he would have become another Charles Cullen/Annie Wilkes!!!!  You can bet on it!

                            So, instead of multiple victims, there was only one!  But that was enough.  Prior to the murder, Lisa had been seeing, and having a relationship, with their friend, Sean.  What's more, balls-less Dan knew about it, and approved; the Carlsons were all up in arms because of the boys, and that it made them look bad!  None of your business!  Darryl, Carol's hubby, even went over there, and attacked Lisa so bad, he was arrested for assault!

                            Which is when Lisa finally got the idea to leave.  But, on that July 1998 day, mother and son decided Lisa had to go, to  keep the boys for themselves.  Amazingly, Darryl did not seem to know anything about it!  They broke into Lisa's place, and killed her. No one is sure, to this day, who did all the work, but I can tell you, with absolute certainty, it was Carol.  Her son had no balls, so he just watched Mommy clean up his mess!  Then she positioned Lisa's body on the couch, to make it look as if she had been masturbating, while watching porn!!!!  Huh??????  How sick is that?  Bet Mommy made son Danny and those boys suck wisdom from her teat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The Carl;sons prove there is such a thing as too much togetherness.  Girls, if your relations suggest such a thing, as living so close, head for the hills!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now, Mother and Son, who loved each other so much, are behind bars, for Life, and can't even throw kisses to each other from their cells!  Meanwhile, cuckold Grandpa Darryl is raising the boys, but Lisa's parents have legal visiting rights, so maybe they can turn them to the Good Side!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Remember, girls, you are safe only if your Mothers-In-Law are Eve Arden, and Kaye Ballard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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