Sunday, January 12, 2014

How Could I Forget, Girls?????????????????

                                     I am telling you, girls,  the staff at IMDB is so damn dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In their listing of birthday pictures today, they didn't even include this actress.  You know why, darlings???????  Because they don't know who the hell she is!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Today, with no obit, Luise Rainer, the first performer to win the Academy Award twice in a row (in 1936, for "The Great Ziegfeld," and the following year, 1937, for her even more brilliant performance as O-Lan in "The Good Earth!!!!!") reaches the Grand Old Age of 104!!!!!!!  The oldest surviving Oscar winner, and, with six years on Olivia De Havilland, the oldest icon of Golden Age Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Happy birthday, Luise!!!!!!!!!!!  And keep on having as many more, as you can!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Bet you look better than some of those skanks  at IMDB!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What dummies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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