Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm Just A Creamsicle, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The year, so far, has not been short of celebrations.  First, we celebrated Monsieur's birthday, at Chadwick's, but this past Thursday, the 9th, we marked the 60th Anniversary of our friends Len and Marilyn.  The event took place at the Tony DiNapoli restaurant, in the Theater District, on 43rd Street, next to the Casablanca Hotel.  The whole thing was set up by their daughter, Haley, and husband, Jay (who is a cousin of Debra Messing!!!!  Yes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!) and was beautifully coordinated, and the food was superb!

                             And what a crew!  Their friend Sybil, whom I just adore, because she is so elegant looking, resembling an older version of the late Joan Fontaine, was there.    She is in her 80's, and there is life in this gal yet; you should have seen the sangrias she belted back, without feeling a thing, and then she was going to drive she and her husband, Bill, who can barely keep up with her, back home to the Westport, Connecticut, area!  But, then, while Sybil was getting high on her sangrias, I was getting high on my Affogoto,  which is vanilla ice cream, drowned in espresso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Also present was their family friend, the radio personality, and political activist, whom I know only as Arnelle!  They took him in, and raised him, from the time he was practically a foundling.  Arnelle's story is as Dickensian as one could get, but I am telling you, the nerve of him, that night!

                              Yes, Arnelle is a big, burly, handsome thing!  And, yes, I was wearing my Special outfit, which included my orange cashmere sweater, which I sometimes refer to as my Lana Turner sweater.  But, Io openly flirt with me, in front of my Monsieur, and the creature he bought with him!  Calling me a "Creamsicle," and saying something about how I should be licked!  Indeed!

                                I felt like yelling out Liz Taylor's famous answer from "Butterfield 8"--"No Sale!!!!!!!!!!"  As Bette Davis said, in "All About Eve," "I'm not about to be had, for the price of a cheap cocktail--like a salted peanut!

                                I demand, at the very least a Deluxe Suite, at the Pierre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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