Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The First Post Of The New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Happy New Year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, here we are, awake and sober--some of us, at least!!!!--in 2014!  Can you believe it, girls??????????????  I can just about do so!!!!!!!!!!

                                Even more hard to believe was our New Years' Eve, and that it turned out so spectacularly.  We dined at the posh Hick Street digs of Alan, who served up a scrumptious salad, Beef Wellington,  mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, and delicious butternut squash.  Capped off by a carrot cake, and Italian cookies, delivered (and maybe baked!!!) by Uncle Chris, who also gave us--Monsieur and I--a lovely Holiday compilation DVD, not to mention the recent Sondheim program!!!!  Perfect for those cold winter nights ahead, Horace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The ball dropped, Baby New Year arrived, but everyone was having such a wild time that, despite many of us being tired, we did not pull out of there until past 2:30, and did walk into our place till 3AM!!!!!!!!!!  I cannot tell you when the last time I was out till then, and I can certainly tell you now that the next time, if there is one, will not be anytime soon!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And here I am, the morning after, facing a brand new year.  What lies ahead???? Stay tuned, on here, to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Toodles, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You go girl!
    Happy Birthday to your beloved partner, and a spectacular year for all!

  2. You go girl!
    Happy Birthday to your beloved partner, and a spectacular year for all!


  3. Thanks so much, darling! And the best to you, too!
