Friday, January 24, 2014

They Are The Real Thing, Darlings! Not Like That Connie and Jack, Who Are Just Actors, Posing As Selfish Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Remember, in the 1969 film, "The Honeymoon Killers," when Tony Lo Bianco's character, Ray Fernandez, says to Martha Beck, (played by the great Shirley Stoler) while looking out an apartment window, "Valley Stream. What kind of a name for a town is Valley Stream?"

                                   Well, back when I was a little kid, and watching "Romper Room" on television--you know, young enough to believe this is how the world actually operated--the main sponsor of the program was J.J. Newberry's department store, which carried all the program products, and the most famous branch of all, which they kept touting, (since the "Romper Room" I watched was broadcast from New York City!) was the one at the "beautiful Green Acres Shopping Center, Sunrise Highway, in Valley Stream, Long Island."  I thought, then, this must be the most magical place in the world!

                                      Since then, I have met plenty of people from Long Island, who have told me not to bother going out there--I would be in for one big disappointment.  But now, Valley Stream, just might become the hot place, now!

                                       Ever since this couple, Lee and Morty Kaufman, have appeared on the Swifter mop cleaning commercials, I have said several things! I love them, and I said to Monsieur we should do a commercial of our own, like that!

                                       Now, I thought the Kaufmans were just actors playing this married couple.  Imagine my surprise, when I discovered Lee and Morty Kaufman really are....Lee and Morty Kaufman.

                                        Darlings, they are the most charming and inspirational folks now appearing on TV. And they actually live in Valley Stream!!!!!!!!!!!  It's going to get  popular, now!!!!!!!!!!  Morty is a retired pharmacist--he ran a place in Brooklyn; what a commute.  They married late, in their 40s, after their previous spouses passed on, creating an almost "Brady Bunch" kind of household--he had four children and she had two!  Lee was a teacher, and is now active on the Hunter College Alumna Association, while Morty counsels senior citizens  on course taking at Nassau Community College.

                                          Their daughter, (well, actually, Lee's) Myra Allen, who knew a casting  agent, got them this gig, and things have really taken off. Imagine--these two, in their nineties,  on the 'Ellen' show and the "TODAY Show!!!!!!!!!!!"  It is enough to inspire all of us, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I hope these two knock that Jack and Connie off the airwaves!  Those selfish two have had more than their share of fame!  Call Children's Services on them, I say!

                                            As for Lee and Morty, I just love them.  Oh, and in our home, I am more like Lee.  I am the one who needs help getting up on the chair, to clean.  We do dance.  And I also steam!!!!!

                                            I cannot wait for the next installment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. When I was little, we lived near Valley Stream, which is just over the Queens border in Nassau County. We went to Green Acres all the time. It was an open air mall then. My favorite store was JJ Newberry's because they had a pet dept. that included a squirrel monkey! And yes, I had that stick with a horses head attached that they hawked on Romper Room. You were supposed to straddle it and "ride" around the room. I wouldn't go to Green Acres now on a bet. It's a hangout for hoods and lowlifes.
