Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Who Says Spoiled Brats Are Confined To California, Darlings??????????????????????????

                                 Everyone is making a big fuss over the latest reality show, "Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills," girls, and I simply do not understand it.  When they appeared on "Bethany," the resentful, working class audience, screamed at them calling them "Spoiled brats," :who were born with "silver spoons in their mouth."

                                  This promotes the wrong idea that only California produces spoiled brats.  Oh, honeys, let me tell you, that is not true.  How about spending some time on the East Coast?  Like New York????

                                     Have you ever dealt with me on a bad day? ( And I had not just a silver spoon, but an entire silver baby eating set, as well!  How do you like that?????)  That is something one should never have to do; even ANNA trembles at the thought.  And who said you had to be Beverly Hills Rich to be a spoiled brat? Take it from a Princess, dolls, it comes with attitude more than wealth.  Not that wealth does not help. But, without attitude, you cannot do a thing.

                                        Take yesterday. You wanna talk attitude?  Well, Monsieur and I were traipsing through one of Brooklyn's Yuppie enclaves--Park Slope--as we could hardly wait to return to the civility of Bay Ridge.  We were walking along, and this woman, walking her baby carriage behind us, kept yelling at us, "Excuse me!  Excuse me!" till I wanted to slap her face. All she wanted was for us to step out of the way, so she could pass, because she was in SUCH a hurry, as what ever SHE was doing was SO important, nothing else in the world mattered.

                                          You know the type--blonde, but not natural, married some artistic type for hot sex and to rebel against her Upper East Side parents, and now downsizing--in Mommy and Daddy's eyes--to Park Slope, where she plays at living a bohemian lifestyle, but who is she kidding--she is still Miss Entitlement Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This kind of thing happens all over New York City.  You see such ill mannered behavior at the theater, on the subway, anywhere.  First, these people have to realize they are encroaching on MY territory, and,. second, it is not about them, it is all about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               See?  One flip of the switch, and I become a New York Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, don't blame California, loves!   At least, not for all this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Blame it, instead, for cultural erosion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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