Saturday, February 1, 2014

Girls, I Have Such Exciting Theatrical News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             You know, darlings, I simply adore those Keenan-Bolgers.  I just can't recall their order. I know Celia ( currently still wowing them as Laura in "The Glass Menagerie) is the eldest, but who is the baby--Andrew or Maggie???? I never can quite remember.

                                Let me tell you something, girls! The older one gets, the more time blurs together.  What I thought was several years ago, the Public Theater mounted a production of a musical called "Radiant Baby," which was the life of artist Keith Haring.  It was obviously done with the hope that it would move beyond the Public, and I never got to see it, because seeing something at the Public--I mean, getting tickets--these days has become as tough to go after as tickets at BAM.  And, unfortunately, it never went anywhere, back when it was first done, in 2003!  That was eleven years ago! Can you believe it has been that long?????

                                 But all that may change.  Last month, Ann Morrison's stint at 54 Below was the most exciting theatrical feat in town!!!!!!!  But now, on the 24th of this month, at Joe's Pub, down at the Public, a concertized version of "Radiant Baby"  is being done, and guess who is singing the role of Keith Haring?
None other than Andrew Keenan-Bolger, who I not only think is perfect for this part, and will do it brilliantly, but if this could go somewhere, it could do for him what Laura has done for Celia and Carole King for Jessie Mueller. It is time Andrew got his due. He may one of the prettiest faces out there, but, girls, there is more to Andrew than just his pretty face!  And no lewd comments, please!  I am talking about this young man's talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The performance begins at 9:30 PM.  How I want to be there, but, generally by that time, my hair is in curlers!!!!!!!!!  Nevertheless, I will do my best! And how nice that it just happens to be on the 24th, the first night Celia has off from "The Glass Menagerie," because the day before, she ends the run!!!!!!!  Nice timing, there!  I have no doubt Celia and Maggie will be there to cheer Andrew on!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Not only do I want to wish Andrew the best, I want to discuss his kale recipe with him!  So, hopefully, I can get down there, or maybe this will be such a success, Andrew and Company will take it further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hope to see you there! You do not want to miss this evening of preciousness, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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