Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Couldn't Think Of A Better Bitch For This Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           "Oh, the weather outside is frightful/But the fire is so delightful...." oh, shut the hell up, already, will you?  I don't want to hear that song again this year, till the end, when the Holidays come  upon us, once again.  At this point, the only snow I want to see is on the big screen in "Doctor Zhivago," with, of course, Julie Christie, at her most stunning, in the background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Which is by way of saying that the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is......Mother Nature!!!!

                                  Now, darlings, if you think I am in front of our fireplace at my desk, writing this out on our home computer, think again!  I had to haul my ass into work, despite the endangering weather, only to discover that the schools in NYC, which they said may be open, are to close at 11 AM???????????

                                     What kind of idiocy is this????????  Why don't they just shut down the city for one day???????  I don't anticipate much action.

                                         Still, for me, I used my theatrical criteria.  What if I had to sing Fantine?  Would I go in?   You bet?  If Donna McKechnie had to dance tonight, would she do it?  You better believe it!!!!!!!!!
Will Jessie Mueller go on tonight in "Beautiful?"  Of course!  So, how could I not follow Donna and Jessie's example????????????  So, for better or worse, I am here!

                                            But, Mother Nature, you bitch, enough is enough!

                                             I know it is not nice to fool with Mother Nature, but when the hell is she going to stop fooling with us???????????????????

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