Sunday, March 2, 2014

Everybody Wants To Audition For "Peter Pan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Why do so many guys, straight and gay, want to be Mary Martin??????????

                                NBC's projected live musical presentation of "Peter Pan," slated for December, is the property everyone seems to want to be in.  First, there was Bill Murray's triumphant "audition" on "Late Night With David Letterman," and, last night on "Saturday Night Live," host Jim Parsons served up his own audition, just about flying out the nursery window, with the Darling children!  I am telling you, Parsons looked so fey, I think he would work in the role!  But not that White Trash Tinker Bell, who became "Tonker Bell," like little boys' Tonka toys, appropriate for this fairy, who looked like a big bull dyke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                It makes me wonder who will be the next contender for the role?  Steve Zahn???
Christian Slater??? Hey, he'd ber kinda cute, in those tights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And this is only March, so, with nine months to go, it is anyone's guess who will be cast as Peter.  I still think Anne Hathaway would work best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The most desired part of the year has already had two on air auditions.  So, get out those demo tapes fast, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And fly out that nursery window, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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