Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Girls, This Is Why Neely O'Hara Is So Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "All but one man died,
                                              There at Bitter Creek,
                                               And they say he ran away....
                                              ---From the opening theme

                            I was only in grade school when "Branded" was on.  The theme song just popped into my head, recently, and I remembered the haunting opening of the show, which was so dramatic, and was the only part my parents would allow me to see.  I had to go to bed afterwards.  It was a school night.

                              "Branded" was essentially "The Fugitive" set in the Civil War west.  Where David Jansen, as Dr. Richard Kimble, would flee from place to place, to avoid a murder charge, and clear his name, Chuck Connors, as Jason McCord, a United States Army Calvary captain, did the same thing, to clear the charge of cowardice he was accused of, and kicked out of the Army.

                                 But it was all bullshit, darlings!  The problem with Jake McCord was that he did the right thing--when it was wrong.  Bitter Creek was supposed to be a peaceful mission, but his commanding officer, General James Reed, walked the men into an attack by renegade Indians. During the attack, the general lost his mind, and McCord relieved him of command, but, as he was the lone survivor, there was no one to back him up.  And he refused to diss the memory of General Reed.

                                    This is where he was wrong, girls, and this is where Neely O'Hara comes in. If someone--no matter who--does something wrong--let them know, and then walk off the set!  Even if that set is a battlefield. Why should McCord be branded when he did what was right?  The others were following the orders of a madman, and died for it!

                                       But, then, darlings, remember, I am from the generation of "One-two-three, what are we fighting for?/Don't ask me; I don't give a damn!/Next stop is Viet Nam!"  Had I been in McCord;s position, I would have done the same thing.  But, of course, ME in the military, girls, would be akin to Goldie Hawn as "Private Benjamin."

                                        Still, the opening scene and song of "Branded" was the most haunting part of the show.   Here, it is, darlings!

                                          Chuck Connors is great as McCord. This was supposed to be another "Rifleman" for him, but it was too dark.  But the show stands as a criticism of administrative authority, which transcends all generations!  And we know all about that, don't we, darlings???????????????

                                             Actually, you know what McCord should have done when he was kicked out of that fort post?

                                             He should have joined "F Troop!"   He'd have had no problem there!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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