Sunday, March 30, 2014

Post Writer Mackenize Dawson Goes After Gwyneth.......But For The Wrong Reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, I work in an office cubicle, too, girls!  I concur with all Mackenzie Dawson says about working moms, because I see what my own nephew and his wife are going through, with their own children.

                                  But let me tell you some things about Miss Paltrow,  I have two former colleagues, who live on the Upper East Side, who recall seeing her mother, the Great Actress Blythe Danner, pick her up from school, and ride home on the bus, when she was younger.  So, Miss Paltrow was raised right.  However, when she became "Gwynnie," she forsook all that.  I bet when Celia was in "The Glass Menagerie," Gwyneth saw it, but, instead of busing it, she pulled up to the stage door of the Booth, in Shubert Alley, in a limo, and walked inside there!

                                  Which says a lot about her.  She is pretentious, status seeking, and not much of an actress.  She could not have done that role in "Shakespeare In Love," without her mother, who is a classical actress, coaching her, so I think that Oscar should go directly to Blythe; hopefully it is now on her mantle!

                                    I am not saying that Mackenzie did not call it right with Gwyneth.  It is just she did not go far enough.  If it is one thing I cannot stand, it is people who sell out.  Now, you do not have to a celebrity to do that; I know many people, some of whom I work with, whom I would place in this category.

                                   But, if you go all the  way back to Gwyneth's very edgy film debut, in the thriller "Flesh And Bone," it is clear she had acting promise--which she did not fulfill, because someone sold her a bill of goods where she could be the Hollywood Princess for awhile, then live off the dime--er, millions--after she got too old for that.  Instead of the art, Gwyneth abandoned it for commerce.  That is what she should be taken to task for.  And when she does an edgy cameo,  like the sexy, singing sub on "Glee!," it just demonstrates she could have had an altogether different career, which would have made her affluent, but not netted her as much. Guess all Gwynnie saw were dollar signs, and that is what she chose, that is what she got, and that is why she will never be respected as an actress, the way her mother is!   And, after Mackenzie's justifiable, if not all inclusive, rant, she will not be respected much, as a person, either!

                                 Get over yourself, Paltrow!  Hey, those looks some thought you had--though I never got the appeal--are clearly beginning to fade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all????????????????

                                  What will you do now, Gwyneth?  No career, your husband is wisely running the other way from you, and the looks are fading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Who's sorry, now??????????????????????????


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