Monday, March 17, 2014

Pretty Good Try, Last Night, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  After our experience with Uncle Ernest, yesterday--and what an experience that was!!!!!!!--I wondered if either of us would be able to stay awake to "On The Case, With Paula Zahn."
I mean, that campy opening--the oh so serious music, the gray background and outfit, the letters. as the figure of Paula steps out of the mist,  like some sort of crime expert, rather than just the script reader she actually is, is a hoot!   Better to do it Max Steiner's way, like at the start of "Mildred Pierce," with the credits rolling over sand on the beach, as the waves wash them in and out!

                                  Fortunately, Paula had an interesting case, which raised some questions.  This was the murder of Michelle McGrath, on the evening of May23, 1994 (actually the morning of the 24th).  Now, Michelle had been a former homecoming queen, so, let me tell you, right then, I knew there was going to be trouble. Because girls who are homecoming queens or such, or who peak in high school, either come to a bad end, or end up not fulfilling the promise they displayed back then.

                                     Michelle came to her own, though it was not her fault. Well, not exactly.  It seemed that night, the fun loving 27- year- old was wanting to go bar hopping. I guess, when you are young, and in Florida, there is not much more you can do.  I mean, who has ever heard of opera or ballet????????????

                                         Michelle's killer, was Thomas Lee Gudinas, some 20-year-old sex sickie, who lived with two other roommates.  They all ended up at some place called Barbarella's, which, I am sure, is REAL class for Orlando, but wouldn't pass muster, up here in New York, where it counts.

                                           Also, if you subscribe to how the incident was presented dramatically, it seemed Michelle traveled alone. No groups, no girl friends.  And, darlings, you can say what you want, but she was dressed like a hooker--leather jacket, skit so short the breeze would pass through and almost thigh high boots with spikes.  Now, if you want to dress like this, fine.  But, if so, do not go about alone, into deserted parking lots, at night.

                                             Because that is where Gudinas was lurking.  He made an attempt on another bar hoppee, Rachelle Smith, but she escaped.  Later, she testified against him.  Michelle was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was dragged to a spot between a wall, where she was kicked to death, raped, and then the killer stood on her. His roommates were not involved; they had gone home, but when Gudinas returned, and they saw his clothes and undies were blood spattered, all they could say was "Was she a good fuck, man?"  Real classy, I know." To which Gudinas openly admitted, "I killed her, then fucked her."  Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I don't know if Michelle was Gudinas' first victim--I think she was. This sex sicko is currently on Death Row, and awaits execution.   I would be happy to pull the switch.

                                                   This case calls several things to mind.  It is another nail in the coffin of Florida's reputation as the White Trash capital of the nation.  It is why the era of Miss Porter's with young ladies dressed in white lace, sipping tea and Madeleines in living rooms, getting an education or husband, has got to return, even if I have to hold such sessions in my living room.  Girls can't keep on getting raped and killed just because they want to have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                                      Paula's delivery was her usual, schoolgirl earnestness. But the horror of Michelle was compelling enough to command our attention.

                                                         And to serve as a warning to all my girls, to be very careful, regrading their social behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Strictly, La Chanterelle, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Paul,
    I heartily agree.
    Thanks for your comment.

  2. I was just thinking about Michelle today, New Year's Day, here in Australia, where I now live. I knew Michelle, she was a very good friend of mine. I find your?? flippant?? remarks about her character quite sad. You did not know her, how dare you make such judgements against her. I don't really understand how you ca feel all right about writing this??


  3. Unknown,
    Sorry you were bothered by what I said.
    But, let's face it, hon, when one goes dressed
    looking for trouble, it usually finds you.
    Under no circumstances am I saying Michelle
    deserved what she got. No one does. But had
    her choices been more sensible, she might
    still be here today.
