Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tana French Does It Again--Both Good And Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Reading Tana French is always pleasurably reassuring that it will be a smooth read, with plenty of suspense and excitement. And, like "In The Woods," and "The Likeness," this novel fulfills that promise. But it also falls into the trap of the other two--French is, to a degree, the Christopher Durang of the mystery genre. Especially in his early days as a a playwright, Durang was accused of not being able to end his plays; some say the same thing about Stephen King.  Well, Tana French has the same problem.

                             Things are wrapped up satisfactorily, by the time the book is finished, but I wish a little more energy had been expended on the upcoming trial and testimony, and their outcome.  French stops just short of this, as if she wants the reader to form those conclusions for himself.  Which is fine if you have dabbled throughout the last several hundred pages in ambiguity, but when you have been as up front and honest with us, as French has been, her disappearing act only proves frustrating.

                               I fear this is French's gimmick, and it does not look like it will change.  Much as I look forward to reading her more recent book, "Broken Harbor," I know the end will be unsatisfying.

                                Like going to a Chinese restaurant, and not feeling full, hours later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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