Wednesday, March 26, 2014

That Gwyneth!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Always Knew She Was No Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Not that I would call Miss Paltrow untalented, just uninspired.  She sold herself out, and short, in a series of romantic comedies, not to mention "Shakespeare In Love," the Oscar for which should be sitting on her mother's mantle piece, since you damn well know Blythe coached her through the entire performance.

                               But when she would go edgy, like in her film debut in "Flesh And Bone," or, in her star/musical star, as the sexy sub teacher on "Glee," Gwyneth almost seemed to come into her own, as if this is where she knew she belonged, and should be, but the industry honchos would not pay her for that.  Just for being a blonde, processed version of Julia Roberts!

                                 So, as Gwyneth moved away from acting, I was not surprised.  Blythe did the same thing, in raising her children, and she did a great job.  But, along with the kids, Miss P got more hippy and dippy, seeing herself as some sort of cooking specialist and health guru.  And to keep getting voted Most Beautiful Woman??????????  Come on!!!!!!!!!   That youth, Miss G, is starting to wane!

                                  And now, after 10 years of marriage, Gwyneth and  her rock star hubby, Chris Martin (of Coldplay) are splitting up. They say they are separating, but that is one step short of divorce, which means they are calling this marriage quits.  And if Gwyneth is smart, she will not marry again, because, I am telling you, that girl is not the marrying kind.

                                     Rumor has it that Gwyneth has been carrying on all over the place, including with top entertainment lawyer, Kevin Yorn.  Can't that girl keep her snatch in her panties??????????????//

                                       I guess not!  Blythe needs to sit down and have a talk with her!  Who do you think is going to raise Moses and Apple now????? You got it; Blythe!  Will Brad Pitt dump Angie for Gwynnie??? No way, Jose, that ship has sailed, and Angie's claws are long and sharp.

                                         Blythe Danner strode about the stage in her bra and panties, back in 1969, in "Butterflies Are Free."  Straight male critics went so crazy they probably ejaculated into their undies.  Blind to the superb acting technique on display, which Blythe has continued to dazzle us with!  And which netted her a TONY Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Someone should have told Gwyneth Paltrow that strutting about in panties on stage gets you more results than doing it in the bedroom,, for all to know!

                                            I am sure Mama told Gwyneth there'd be days like this!  She should have told her, and tell her now, to give that skank ho' behavior a rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As Joan Rivers would say, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat  a tramp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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