Sunday, March 16, 2014

This Is What My Week Has Been Like, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Thank God there are no more witch burnings or accusations!!!!!!!!  Because, with the week I have had, plus my fascination with the opening sequences of both "Horror Hotel" and "Black Sunday," witch burning is on my mind.  There are a couple of witches I would like to accuse--just like Bonita Granville--and then burn!  Or, how about the white haired Puritan woman, in the opening of "Horror Hotel," who looks at Elizabeth Selwyn, and yells, "Wiiiiiiiiiitch?????????????"  I just love her, and also the way Patricia Jessel, as Selwyn, spits right back at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I prefer this sequence to "Black Sunday," because the former is going for accuracy, while the latter is going for glamour.  Barbara Steele, as Asa, is the most glamorous looking thing about to be tortured that I have ever seen, whereas Elizabeth Selwyn looks like me in the morning, before the make-up is put on.  After which, I sometimes burst out into a chorus of "Another Hundred People!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Now, I would love to tell you who each and every witch I would like to burn is on here, but, for reasons of expediency, I can't!!!!!   So, what I suggest, is to get Maysles Brothers, or someone equal to them, follow me about, with a camera,  during a typical day, in documentary style, and watch whom I point at, as we pass by them.  There will be the Witches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Ah, the Good Old Days!  Bring marshmallows and weenies for a new, modern twist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Who says I am the only flamer, out there????????????????????????                                

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