Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Darlings, I Am Telling You, That Brae Hansen Is One Twisted Sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            To a certain extent, I do feel sorry for Brae Hansen, and Nathan Gann. These siblings grew up with a mother, Doreen, who was exactly like Charlotte Bayes (Isabella Hoffman) out of the classic "Cold Case" episode, "Churchgoing People."  From the time they could understand the English language, Doreen would scream and belittle the children for hours, and physically strike out at them.  With what eventually happens, it makes one wonder why the siblings did not take it upon themselves to kill Doreen. Well, fate took care of that, and dispatched her away to Hell, leaving the kids with their loving stepfather, Tim McNeil, a San Diego attorney.

                               Except, at least according to Brae, there was not enough love to go around.

                                Now, these were damaged children, already.  But, when Timothy began dating and getting serious about Kim Bieda, this was just too much for Brae, who had to have Daddy for herself, front and center. No, I am not talking about sexual abuse of any kind, I am speaking of self-centered attention. Brae wanted herself, and no one else, to be the primary focus in her father's life.

                                    Which might lead one to wonder, "Then, why not dispatch Kim, since she is the problem."  But sociopath Brae (which does not surprise me, given her abusive history) was as cool as a cucumber, when she said, "I wanted to hurt him, the way he hurt me."

                                        And so she did. Together, with her brother, Nathan, the two staged a mock home invasion, Nathan in suit and mask, on July 19. 2007.  Someone pulled the trigger, resulting in Tim's death, and many feel it was cold and calculating Brae. As do I.  And when the sentencing was handed down, Brae got the tougher one--Life Without Parole, while Nathan got 25 Years To Life.

                                          Frankly, I think both will rot in prison.  And both deserve to.  The sad thing is this is a tragedy that could not be avoided. At least Doreen was gone to spread no  more of her malevolence. But so much damage had been done, that something like this would have been inevitable; if it had not been Tim, it might have been someone else. And might have continued.

                                              Which is amazing how Erin, Tim's biological daughter, can forgive Brae.  It is a testament to the power of Sister Camille. She would be proud, and I do admire Erin.

                                                  But that Brae!  All I can say to her is one word--

                                                    "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (spit)

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