Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               I guess our Easter is going to turn out to be a very non-traditional one, darlings!  "The Ten Commandments" was on last night, and, while we planned to watch "The Song Of Bernadette," we could not pass up Channel 13's rather bizarre airing of "The Bad Seed," which stood the test of time--a long time since I saw it--and then some!  Love that 50's decor!

                 Today, we are headed into the city, and a matinee of "Bullets Over Broadway," the musical of the Woody Allen film.  It should be fun, leaving us time to squeeze in 'Bernadette' tonight!  Will we see Cujo and the Girls???? Hope so, so we can wish them a Happy Easter!

                   And let's hope my allergies improve, because this season has been something!  So, have a blessed Easter, darlings, and remember, as Sister Camille said this morning, to look for God in what is around you!

                    Alleluia, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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