Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I Learned Yesterday Why It Is Not Always A Good Thing To Stay Home, When Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    What an Easter weekend of affliction.  It must have been the Catholic in me, wanting to suffer!
On Good Friday, the day I went to see "Gojira," at the Film Forum, I woke with a headache I was not sure was sinus or migraine.  I am convinced it was sinus, because I made it onto the subway train, with no physical discomfort, and, once I began reading my book, the headache disappeared. As it did, while I watched the artistic masterpiece, "Gojira."

                         But trouble was a  brewing.  I had heard this was supposed to be a bad season for allergy sufferers, and on Saturday, I got a full dose.  I began to itch, broke out in hives, and by the time I was on the train to the city--I had to work that day--my lips had blown up to a size both Barbara Hershey or Angelina Jolie would have envied. Accept they felt swollen--like when you have medicated with Novocaine.  And they itched.  Plus I was so self conscious about my appearance, I wanted to hide in the Valley Of The Lepers, like Martha Scott and Cathy O'Donnell in "Ben-Hur."  So I made it through the day, knocked out on Benadryl, which made me so looped, it was a wonder I could do anything.

                           Then came Easter Sunday.  With such exhaustion, there was no early morning reenactment of Mary Magdalene carrying spices to the tomb, to anoint the Body Of Jesus, as we were headed to the theater that afternoon, there was little time to squeeze in 'Bernadette.'  Disaster struck later that morning. I made my weekly phone call to my father--who, in 8 days, will turn 99, and is healthier than most of my girls and I!!!!!!!!!!   I had just finished talking, put the phone down, when some kind of sinus fluid shifted, dripped--and there went my voice! Forget singing Fantine; I could barely speak.  And, wouldn't you know, that afternoon at the theater, I run into practically everyone I know--even my dentist!!!!-- and I could not speak a word!

                            Meanwhile, Monsieur was having his own allergy/cold issues, in the form of a nasty cough, that, last I heard, had gotten less nasty. But, he is going to take the Delsym I bought for us, (I have a feeling I will be needing it, too, as I have a tickle!!!!!!!!!!!) even if I have to pull him back by what hair he has, and pour the contents down his throat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So "Sweeney Todd," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              With no such remedy yesterday,  we both stayed home, where I discovered too much ID can be too much. So, at one point, we switched to--are you ready??????--"The Lawrence Welk Show," which I recall on Saturday nights during the Sixties, and which my paternal and maternal grandmothers just LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    There was so much ever loving goodness during the Easter show, with wholesome smiles, and white, capped teeth, it is a wonder I did not vomit or go into a diabetic coma.  To think  the show we watched was from 1979!!!!!!!!!!!  I did not know Welk was still doing his show, by then!  And he lived to the ripe old age of 89, dying in 1992.

                                        No wonder I tossed and turned all night. I am almost glad to be back at work. So, be careful what you wish for, darlings!  Daytime TV is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Not to worry!  We capped the evening off with "Judge Judy," and will have a a relatively normal night, this evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Lord, have Mercy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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