Friday, April 18, 2014

It's Coming Up, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I am, of course, talking about the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette, which has been a tradition in this house for over 30 years!!!!!!!!!!!  This outtake photo from the film is such a beautiful shot I decided to use it!

                              Tradition dictates that we start airing on Easter Sunday, at 1PM.  But, because we have tickets, which we got unexpectedly, to a Sunday matinee of the musical, "Bullets Over Broadway," the only time to screen 'Bernadette' will be tomorrow evening; I imagine around 8PM.  So, think of me  at that hour, darlings, with a box of tissues in one hand, a rosary in the other, as I suffer and empathize with Bernadette, while admiring the stunning (and Oscar winning) Arthur Miller (not the playwright!!!!!!!!) cinematography, and Jennifer Jones, in her stunning Academy Award winning performance, in the lead role.

                              It never fails to move me, which is why it is my Easter movie! What ever does it for you, darlings, enjoy!

                              Even if it's that Warner Bros, cartoon, where Bugs Bunny sings, "Here's the Easter Rabbit, hooray!  Happy Easter Rabbit, hooray!!!!!!!!!!!"

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