Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's Not Just Women Who Are "Fatal Attractions," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Poor Glenn Close. Twenty seven years, after playing Alex Forrest in "Fatal Attraction," she is still looked at as some pariah, who helped define the notion that women on the make are avaricious and dangerous.

                         But a murder case that happened almost ten years ago--on October 25, 2004--in affluent Nantucket--and that made national coverage, from People to New York Magazines, should serve as a reminder that not all predators are female.

                          Poor Beth Lochtefeld!!!!  She was like a lot of us--bright, successful, in everything but love. In fact, she was so successful as an architectural entrepreneur,  she amassed enough cash to be able to flee from the so-called "rat race" to peaceful Nantucket, settle down in a cozy cottage by the sea, and live a  community active life, known and beloved to all.

                             At a friend's party, around Spring 2004, she was introduced by a friend to someone thought to be perfect for Beth.  His name was Thomas Toolan. The third, no less.  He was 37, to her 44, boyishly handsome but seemingly romantically mature, a Wall Street Banker--the package was perfect.

                               Too perfect.  In fact, it had cracks in it, that eventually became apparent to Beth. Like a history of drinking and drugs he tried to conceal.  And other girl friends, who dropped him, for being violent or creepy.

                                It turned out Beth began slowly seeing these aberrations, too. She told her father, she told her friends, she told everyone she knew.  And she came to the conclusion that she had to tell Toolan she could no longer be in a relationship with him.

                                  For the past six months, the two had enjoyed a long distance courtship between Toolan's tony Upper West Side pad, and Beth's elegant New England enclave.  To talk about the breakup, Beth decided to go to Toolan's.  Who is to say this was right, or wrong?  Or that if he had gone to Beth, it would have turned out differently?  My guess is if Toolan had gone there, what happened would have taken place sooner.

                                    Because, in New York, when Toolan was told by Beth that they were finished--and she did it as graciously as one could--Toolan, in true psycho fashion, flipped out, to the point of keeping her prisoner in his apartment.  She had to wait until the early morning hours, when he was fast asleep, drunk and passed out, before she could leave. She left around 3AM, and caught an early flight back to Nantucket, on October 23, 2004.  The next day, on the 24th, Beth packed up what belongings of Toolan's remained in her place, and graciously mailed them to him.  She told the postal worker who helped her she could no longer remain in a relationship with a boyfriend who was "psycho."  Unfortunately, she had no idea how dangerously psycho he was.

                                   Toolan would not accept the rejection. He tried flying to Nantucket on the 24th, but was detained for carrying a knife on board.  He made it to the island the next day, rented a car, bought a boating knife at a fishing supply store, and went to see Beth.  By 1 PM, knowing she was supposed to be pick up her nephew, a neighbor came by--and discovered Beth hand been murdered.

                                      It did not take cops long to track Toolan down on a DUI in Rhode Island. Eventually, he was convicted of Beth's murder, and is serving a Life Without Parole sentence.  I would like to smack him across the face.

                                        So, Tom Toolan, you are the winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  I don't understand how the two families of the victim and killer can have such an amicable relationship; they must have the patience of saints.  But I don't, so I consign you to the Hell you made for yourself.

                                          "Fatal Attraction" works both ways, darlings.  Just make sure not to get caught in its trap!

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