Friday, April 4, 2014

Something I Can Aim For, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is the famous Bay Ridge Gingerbread House, which everyone in the area knows, and many come from far and wide to see. It is located on the corner of Narrows Road and 88th Street. Within the past year or so,  it sold for something like $16 million, so the chance of owning it, is not within my grasp, darlings!  But it does represent a goal of sorts.

                               Last Fall, I began power walking, doing a half hour, down 76th Street, the steps, straight to Narrows, up three blocks to 79th Street, then across there to Shore Road, where I marched around the fountain in the park--and back to my apartment.

                                 My breathing was better, I could knock this off in half an hour, and it made me feel better.

                                 Then something intervened.  Winter, and all that snow. So, walking was pretty much verboten for several months. And I got out of shape, though the weight I took off seems to have stayed off. Now, I want to take off  more.

                                    Last week, when I was suffering my DAD, (Dental Anxiety Disorder) I promised myself that, if I survived this past week's visit, I would start walking again. But, now I have to start slow, and build up.  I just go from my  apartment, to the corner of Narrows and 76th Street. In top form, this used to take me nine minutes. At this point, it is taking me fifteen, so either I have to speed it up more, or get used to it. Maybe both.

                                       As the weather gets warmer, and the days longer, my goal is to do a walk, both in the morning, and the evening. And, when it comes time for the last week, when Winter closes in, my goal is to walk all the way to the Gingerbread House, and back, in half an hour!

                                         We shall see what happens. The Gingerbread House, as far as I know, is not going anywhere, but let's hope I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Cheers, dolls!

                                            And, by the way, Monsieur, you are doing this with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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