Friday, April 18, 2014

That Bonnie Gilcrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I just can't stop writing about "Girl, Interrupted," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Layer upon layer, there is always something to say about this film, and today the focus is on that nasty thing, Bonnie Gilcrest, on the right, daughter of bitch Barbara Gilcrest, played by Mary Kay Place, on the left, in the famous ice cream parlor scene.

                      You can see from this photo what a pair of sour bitches these are.  And that Bonnie--"Oh, I'm going to Wellesley.  I'm doing well. Strong in art. And I'm going to the Sorbonne, next summer!"

                        Yeah, yeah, Bonnie, you bitch!  Boast of what Daddy and Mommy's money bought you!  What you don't know, girls, if you have not seen the entire film, is that Bonnie really wanted to go to Radcliffe, but she was pushed by her bitch mother to go to Wellesley, which was her alma mater!  Bet Babs got in the way she got her husband--doling out those rim jobs she so nastily accuses poor Susanna (Winona Ryder) of giving, unable to accept the fact that her husband is a total sleaze, and unable to leave him because she doesn't want to lose the life style she acquired by simply lying on her back!

                          You have to feel sorry for Bonnie!  To come from this background!  She should take a look at her mother, because that is exactly how she is going to end up--an embittered bitch, for all the good Wellesley might do!

                              Let's face it, girls, any of us having gone through school have known variations on Bonnie and her Mom.  Like that Randi Kleiner, from "Stage Door,"(the documentary film about the theater camp) whose mother practically shoved her into Cornell, because it  was  all about what "my Randi"--her daughter--could do to make Mrs. Kleiner look good!  Wonder what loony bin Randi is in?  She had to have reached the breaking point with her mother, by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Guess times don't change!  I was so glad when Brittany Murphy, as Daisy Randone (it was her last day in the hospital, so they went to celebrate at the ice cream parlor!!!!!!!!!) shoved the cone out of Bonnie's hand, yelling, "Get that  thing out of my face--asshole!"

                                 Too bad she didn't smash it into  her face!

                                  But Bonnie will get hers, not to worry, darlings!  People like she always do!  And you can even tell that from the photo, which is so revealing!

                                   Which is why we love Angelina as Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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