Thursday, April 3, 2014

This Man Was Victimized By This Week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Geoffrey McGrath, age 49, an Eagle Scout, in Seattle,who is dedicated to the organization, because it provides a healthy outlet for immigrant boys in the area, is a genuine humanitarian, who happens to be gay, and in a same sex marriage.

                               Now, said organization is saying McGrath cannot be a leader, because he flouts his sexuality openly, by not hiding it, and by marching for support in the Seattle Gay Pride parade.

                                So, The Boy Scouts Of America Organization is this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!

                                  His church pastor, the Rev.Monica Corsaro, backs him up, because it is her church, the Rainier Beach United Methodist Church, who sponsors McGrath's group!  Good for him, and good for her!

                                   And, since the melee, several boys have come forward, including one young gay boy, to say they want to join!  Good for them!

                                     The Boy Scouts Organization asserts McGrath is purely seeking attention, due t his sexual orientation. What they are too stupid to realize, is that, by singling out McGrath for his dismissal, they are drawing greater attention to his orientation than he ever could, and is making them look bad in the process.

                                       And, by the way, have you ever heard things by the counterpart Girls Scouts about lesbian discrimination?  Sounds like those gals have their act together!

                                         So, keep on going, you Bitch Of The Week!  If you keep dismissing the talented and dedicated, who actually want to serve and make a difference, you will find yourselves with the dinosaurs!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Obsolete, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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