Monday, April 14, 2014

Two Places One Should Absolutely Never Go To, On A Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       If you are looking for a completely masochistic experience--one where you do not have to attend or join a sex club--I can recommend nothing better than a journey to the Upper West Side--like I have said before, darlings, who goes there anymore? It is so Eighties!--and a visit to Zabar's and Fariway.
And if you are looking for a super masochistic experience--one that will bring out your Inner Angelina Jolie--you know, like in her Oscar winning performance as Lisa in "Girl, Interrupted," where she told off that bitch, Mrs. Gilcrest, played by Mary Kay Place--then I recommend going to these places on a Holiday Weekend, be it Christian or Judaic.

                         Yesterday, with tonight being the first night of  Passover, and Monsieur is hosting at our house, we had to go to these establishments yesterday, and let me say my bitch meter was raised to the point, that, had I high blood pressure, I might have had a stroke.  I stood and scowled, as if daring anyone to mess with me, or our bought goods, but, I swear, if we do this again next year, I am going to march in there, with a T-shirt that says "Leave Me The Fuck Alone--I Am Jewish!!!!!!!!!!!," so that those who do not need to be there can get the hell outta my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          From a lesbian wedding, the day before, to this?  Can you believe it, darlings??????? Only in Raving Queen Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Which, at times, can be even more absurdist, than "Alice In Wonderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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