Saturday, April 19, 2014

What A Dilemma We Have, This Evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Can you believe it, girls???????  Some programmer, over at WNET, 13, in New York, has some sick sense of humor!  Tonight happens to be Holy Saturday night, when most people watch something like "Ben-Hur," or "The Robe," "The Ten Commandments," "The Song Of Bernadette," or even "Easter Parade."   But what is 13 showing tonight--that 50's camp classic, "The Bad Seed!"

                            You know I love it, girls!  After all, I have played Rhoda!  But, really for Holy Saturday night.  There is not even a reference of any sort to this holiday in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The only thing Rhoda cares about, regarding holidays, is the presents she receives on them!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                What can I do?  There is only one answer, girls--"The Song Of Bernadette" must win out?????????   How else could I live with myself?  I have enough non-saintly points stacked against me, as it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it's not like I have never seen "The Bad Seed" before!  I own it on DVD!

                                   So, tonight, it is 'Bernadette.'  Capped off, perhaps, by an Edwards Creme Pie?????????????


  1. "Lee-roy! Give me back those shoes! GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!"

    "You hit him with the shoes, didn't you? You hit him with the shoes, that's how he got those half moon marks on his forehead and on his hands. Answer me Rhoda. ANSWER ME!"

    "Claude was dead. He wouldn't know if he had the medal pinned on him or not. "

    "I'm drunk. It's a pleasure to stay drunk when your little boy's been killed. "

    "If you've ever wanted to see a production of Annie starring Rosemary's Baby, or wondered how Pippi Longstocking would do playing Hannibal Lecter, you really shouldn't pass this up. Rhoda shouldn't be in the Penmark Family. She should be in the Addams Family."

    Yeah, my Easter Saturday is set up perfectly to my tastes. Thanks, WNET! And thank *you*, RQ, for letting us know it was airing tonight! Although it might be more fun with a crowd at Chelsea Cinema's monthly (or is it weekly?) revival.

  2. We had the best intentions, last night, of watching 'Bernadette.' I did know 13 ran their films without interrption, so we ended up watching "The Bad Seed." It just drew us in, and I love the 50's decor! And the importance of cofee and an open bar cart!
