Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day, To All You....Mothers Out There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I mean that with such sincerity, darlings, because raising kids is such a tempestuous job.  So, here is my wish for happiness to all those readers on here, who are mothers.  To think, that, back in my day, Channel 9 used to air annually the 1948 version of "I Remember Mama," with Irene Dunne and Barbara Bel Geddes; now, in this so-called more advanced age, we get an ersatz remake of "Rosemary's Baby!!!!!!!!!!!"  Which, you know I am going to watch, even though it will be crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Maybe I will do a special performance of "Gypsy" on this Mother's Day; it is, after all, a musical about a mother!

                                  So, whatever your dreams are, darlings, a Happy Mother's day to you all, and may they all come true!

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