Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Knowledge And College, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Remember Sandy Becker, as the Big Professor?  Well, some of you girls out there do!  That was my earliest memory of hearing the instrumental piece I would come to know as "Pomp And Circumstance," and which would figure in almost every single graduation ceremony I would participate in during my school years.

                               Not having any lyrics, I put my own spin on it, dubbing the title of the piece "Knowledge And College."  At the time I did this--the very early Sixties--it did actually mean something.  I mean, Rutgers, across the river from me, was then a revered institution of higher learning.  Today, ever since the Tyler Clemmenti tragedy, it seems the place is periodically haunted by some kind of scandal, which, at this point, in time, if I had a daughter, I would send her to some other school, besides Rutgers. Even Katherine Gibbs!!!!!!!!!!

                                But I am not on here to bash Rutgers, but to celebrate an anniversary.  Thirty seven years ago today, I graduated from Seton Hall University in South Orange.   What does this picture have to do with Seton Hall????????   Not much, except I could not resist it, and it suggested somewhat my romanticized notions of college, which were pretty much lived out, and the happiness of those years I still hold!!!!!!!!!!!!   Of course, if I had been told then where I would now be, thirty seven years later, I would have laughed in disbelief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But, then, wouldn't we have all?  Part of reliving this time for many of us is to examine where we were and where we thought we would be, as opposed to where we actually are.  As to the last, I am more than satisfied, actually graceful.   I would gladly repeat my Seton Hall years in a minute, though I might take some different courses.

                                      As they said there, "Hazard Zet Forward!"  Thirty Seven Years out, and still going strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Wishing the same to all my other fellow graduates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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