Monday, May 5, 2014

Let's Talk About The New "Rosemary's Baby," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Now, look. darlings, I really don't want to talk about it, and you all know I don't, but it is coming up on May 11th, and I don't think there is any way to escape it.  In some ways, we are as trapped as poor Rosemary. What I want to do is give at least the first installment a look to see what they have done with the story.  Not that it will improve on the masterpiece set forth by Messrs. Levin and Polanski, not that this current cast will improve on Mia Farrow And Company.  But, already, the story, or what has been done to it, has raised several questions.

                        1. Zoe Saldana as Rosemary--Sounds like Political Correctness, casting a non-
                             White woman, but it is really playing into the hands of the American Right
                              Wing, because,when the biracial Satan child is born, the Righters will link
                              it to Barack Obama, whom they already consider the Devil Incarnate,
                              anyway. So, right away, this gimmick, backfires!!!!!!!!!!!

                          2. Moving the location to Paris?   Why?  And will it be set in the Paris
                               of the Sixties--a genuinely more exciting time-- or that of today?  I am
                               betting on the latter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            3.Patrick J. Adams as Guy Woodhouse--looks like an over aged frat
                             boy. Cannot begin to match the sleaziness of John Cassavates.  And in
                             this version, he is a writer?  How ambitious can that be, in today's world?
                             And why go to Paris, if he is so hungry for career success??????. Manhattan is
                            still the place for writers to go, unless this Guy is some closet fag with
                            aspirations of heading Paris VOGUE.  Which just might be.  He won't
                            fuck Rosemary, but the Devil will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             4. Jason Isaacs and Carole Bouquet as Roman and Margaux Castevet??????
                                 Margaux????????  Oh, come on, how faux French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And
                                 younger, sexy witches???????? That destroys the whole point of the story.  The point
                                 was the coven needed young, childbearing women to bear the kid, because
                                  they were far too old!  Guess Margaux is just too vain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             5.  And just where in this version are--Hutch (I hear she has now become a coworker
                                  of Guy's named Julie), Terri Gionoffrio (granted, what is an Italian American drug
                                  addicted whore doing in Paris, but there is a character named Ginger mentioned, and
                                  a woman simply billed as Prostitute. Don't you just love it????????????

                              6.  How about Laura Louise??????????  Where is she in this?  I have a feeling
                                   this "Rosemary's Baby" is going to be stripped of any humor, which is part
                                   of what made it great in the first place, and made it rise above the mire of
                                   trash horror out there.  Now, it is going to sink into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Some woman named Agnieszka Holland directed it. Who the hell is she, and who cares????????
She thinks she can compete with Roman Polanski????????? She couldn't even compete with Joan Rivers and her face lifts, if she tried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Obviously, I am not pro this remake.  But I will watch, and we will discuss.

                     But will the name still be an anagram????????????????????????????????/


  1. I'm not saying this isn't going to be bad, but for the record, Ms. Holland is a wonderful director. I've seen several of her films including Europa Europa and Olivier Olivier (I just realized there's a pattern there!) and they were absolutely brilliant. However, how she handles this material, on tv, remains to be seen.


  2. You know, I am pretty sure I saw "Europa Europa" when it first came out. It was a good film. It's odd, I LOVE "Rosemary's Baby," but my curiosity over how it is done, what characters will be included/changed, makes me want to tune in in spite of myself. It will never replace the Polanski film for me.

    One thing I do suspect--this will not have the humor of the Levin novel or Polanski film. And therein goes some of its greatness.

    I don't care--NO ONE can say "Shut up with your 'Oh Gods,' or we'll kill ya, milk or no milk!" like Patsy Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!
