Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Oh, Give It A Rest, Monica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now fat and forty, Monica Lewinsky is desperate, darlings, to get back on the plateau of fame she enjoyed sixteen years ago, and she is doing it by exploiting the only thing she has to offer--her relationship with Bill Clinton.  In an upcoming essay, written for Vanity Fair Magazine, (but most likely ghost written by another) the ex-Intern claims to break her silence--but when was she ever silent?  Indeed, the two things that get me about Monica Lewinsky is when all this originally happened, I don't care how young she was, didn't she realize that, at, some point, this would all explode in her face????? You are not having relations with a rock star--big deal!!!!!!!!--but the Chief Executive Of The Land, who just happens to be a married man!!!!!!!!!!  Face it, Monica, when you went down on Bill--blue dress accident or not--you knew what you were letting yourself in for, because you wanted fame so badly you would go even this far to get it.

                                I just loved, in the movie "Primary Colors," when Emma Thompson smacked John Travolta across the face!  I hope Hilary did that with Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But what really gets my goat about all this is what she says in the present day--that she was the first Internet victim, and that she compares herself to --get this!!!!!!--Tyler Clementi!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Excuse me???????????????????????????????

                                    How dare you use such a iconic tragedy to justify your actions, you back alley tramp?  Let's face it, you would have done Bill Clinton in some back alley, with him straddling a garbage can!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You made your decisions, and acted! Tyler Clementi was driven to mental duress by both perceived family and social pressures, plus the actions of his classmates Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei, and the lack of peer support from others around him.  You have no idea of the hell he went through that led to a decision he made that turned out to be altering and irrevocable!  At least, Monica, you are still here, to pick at your whorish ways, which you will probably be doing until you are eighty; that is, as long as it will turn a buck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         You owe an apology to the Gay Community, this blogger,  and, most of all, Tyler Clementi and his family!!!!!!!!!   It better be heard, Monica, or believe me, you are going to be dragged through the mud, like the skank you are!  Mark my words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Graydon Carter should be ashamed of publishing such crap!  Makes me think twice about going to the Waverly Inn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Oh, well, it will leave plenty more room for pork faced Monica to chow down, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sweetie, do you think there is any connection between Hillary gearing-up for another run at the White House (and I for one support that endeavor!) and Monica the Media Moocher crawling out of the slime again? I've always thought that the whole Monica-Bill thing was a set-up (by the Republicscums and Bill was STUPID enough to fall for it)- this could be a continuation of them trying to sabotage Hillary's campaign. Your thoughts?


  2. I certainly support Hilary running for Pres. and would be happy if she won. As for Monica crawling out of the rocks again, I think the Republicans love it, it plays into their hands, yes, but I don't think they coerced Monica. Monica has always been about Monica, and I think even she realized the Hilary thing would be the perfect time to bring this out again. The sad thing is I used to respect Graydon Carter and Vanity Fair. But that he would publish such crap shows him to be as big a media whore as Monica!!!!!!!!!!!!!
