Friday, May 23, 2014

The First Truly Great Book Of 2014 I Have Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Who says short can't be good????? Akhil Sharma's previous novel, "An Obedient Father," which, unbelievably, came out 15 years ago, was not long, but extremely satisfying.  His latest, "Family Life," at 218 pages, is even shorter than his last, but the surprise is it is even better.

                                        The story is simple--a New Delhi family, the Mishras,  with two sons moves to America, to give their sons, a better life.  One day, in August, their eldest son, Birju, is injured in a diving accident at a swimming pool.  He survives--but everything changes. Brain damaged beyond repair, supposedly, he becomes a kind of Karen Ann Quinlan, (remember her??????????) as the family struggles to care for him, particularly the mother, with a fierce determination that is a kind of love bordering on a hate she is unaware of.  Birju's fate casts a pall not only on the family's present, but also, in the case of younger brother Ajay, who fulfills what his brother can't--top grades, a prestige college, a good job, a potential wife--the family's future; whatever it holds, Aiju knows he is bound to Birju.

                                          This novel examines the degrees of love and caring that test a family when faced with the worst scenarios.  Without being explicit, it asks and answers readers questions in a compelling way that makes this the first truly great novel I have read this year.  If I do a Ten Best List at year's end, I can tell you, this will be on it!

                                            If you have not read "An Obedient Father," I urge that, as well. But this current work will move you in ways that book did not, and in ways you might not expect.

                                             It is a literary gem, darlings, that must be read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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