Thursday, May 29, 2014

This Bitch Would Never Make Mother Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The actress pictured is Laura Leighton.  It is one of her characters, Lillian Rice, whom she played in the 2007 'SVU' episode "Responsible," which deals with underage teen drinking, and features one of my favorite characters, Becca Rice, Lillian's daughter, played by Sarah Drew in a performance that should have netted her an Emmy, that is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What makes Lillian a bitch?  So many things! When she catches Becca drinking at 12, instead of banning alcohol from her, she allows her to drink with her--as long as she does not hide it.  That is how it starts, but then as Becca gets older she is always seen, as many teens are, with a water cooler, only hers is lemonade chased with vodka. Nice, huh????????

                                              Lillian is embittered. She had Becca when she was Becca's age, then her husband walked out on her, with his secretary. I guess she gets by, in addition to working, on alimony and child support, because their New York digs are very nice.

                                                 But Becca is troubled. At ten, she was thrown out of a private school for stealing at a bake sale, then accusing another student, who later was exonerated.  At her current school, Becca is bright, but lonely, with no friends, so Lillian, to gain her daughter popularity, becomes one of those "cool Moms," (the most dangerous kind) who allows her daughter to drink, and supplies her classmates with liquor which she can get for them.  Except it doesn't make Becca popular; she doesn't go to any of these parties.  It just makes her get used more!  What a bitch this mother is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Add to this that Mrs. Rice has never gotten over being the hottest thing in town, and so develops into a sort of "Mrs. Robinson," who sleeps with Becca's male classmates. In fact, Becca catches her mother and Jordan (Hunter Parrish) in bed, and when her classmates, hauled into court, blame her, and call her mother a slut, Becca stands up for her.  Sadly, she says to Olivia, "she's my best friend."

                                                      This child needs help. Becca is placed in rehab clinic, where she is sober for the first time in years, and feels strange.  Lillian, at least has some remorse, when she is shown in court the damage alcohol has done to her daughter, certain to shorten her life span.  Lillian is hauled off to the slammer for five years.  Poor Becca, still a minor, faces Child Services.  Grim.

                                                       All because of a scheming, manipulative bitch of a mother!  There is no excuse for scum like this!  Keep her away from Becca, once she is released. If Becca is smart, she will do the same!

                                                        Sometimes, estrangement can be healing, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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