Tuesday, May 6, 2014

This Daughter Of Darkness Gets A Deserved Life Sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           If you think Idaho is all French's Mashed Potatoes, and Ronnee Blakley singing "My Idaho Home," well, I have a surprise for you, girls.  There is more lurking beneath its surface than one realizes, and that was proven on the night of September 2, 2003, when Alan and Diane Johnson, parents of Matt and Sarah, were gunned down, in cold blood, right in their home, by their 16-year-old daughter.

                            The first thing I have to say is Sarah is so ugly, no wonder she was desperate to have a boy friend, even if he was Mexican drug dealing scum, which he was.  But, as time proved, he was not scum enough to do in Mommy and Daddy; that all came from Sarah.   It just makes my blood boil; treated like a Princess her whole life, and then--BANG!!!!!!!!  I will say this much--at least, as far as I know, the Dykemans never killed anyone.  And I might have been a bit of Princess myself, but murder????? Come on!!!!!!!!!!  If I were threatened, sure, but Sarah, hon, if your parents don't like your boyfriend, just do what every other teenage girl in history has done--sneak around!!!!!!!!!  No use getting all worked up about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But, she did!  I am telling you, it is those hormones!  I think when kids--boys, too!--reach puberty, they should go on some kind of hormonal therapy, because it would make things easier both for offspring, parents and teachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe, then, Sarah wouldn't be in prison, and Mommy and Daddy would still be here. She has to live with this her entire life, and she will, with no problem, because. you know why?  She is a sociopath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Look at those eyes--cold as ice!!!!!!!!!!!  You can't fool me, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even Max Factor won't improve that look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              That Sarah certainly is some Daughter Of Darkness!  And here is Tom Jones, in better days, to sing us Sarah's Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Take the key, and lock this bitch up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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