Saturday, June 14, 2014

An Apology To My Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Darlings, I know yesterday was Friday The 13th, but, let me tell you, when it is your day off, and you have a doctor's appointment, that pretty much is the day!  Which is why I had no time to celebrate this camp--literally--event with you all, yesterday!   So, here is Betsy Palmer, looking her most deranged as Mrs. Voorhees, that mother you just gotta love!  I wish I could say I watched the film yesterday, but I had int on VHS, never on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!  Still, I want to wish everyone a belated happy Friday The 13th, and recall those immortal words of Mrs, Voorhees--

            "Kill her, Mommy!  Kill her!  Don't let her live!
            Get her, Mommy Get her!  She can't hide!  NO PLACE to hide!
              Kill her, Mommy!!!!!!!!!  KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            I will, Jason!  I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

           "He was....he wasn't a very good swimmer!"

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