Saturday, June 28, 2014

For Contrast, How About Shie Labeouf, And "Cabaret?????????????"

                                      Darlings, it is a wonder Shie was not attacked and stoned in the lobby by Vicious Theater Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         If there is one unforgivable thing that can be done to these folk--as bad as homophobia--it is to interrupt them, during their audience pleasure. And, apparently, that is just what he did--at last night's performance of the revival of "Cabaret" at Roundabout Studio 54, he made loud, disruptive harassing comments during the performance, that resulted in his being removed from the theater!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I just hope it was before it was time to sing "Tomorrow Belongs To Me!"  Imagine, if he ruined Act One's most chilling moment!

                                           They say it wasn't drugs!!!!!!!!  They said it was alcohol!!!!!!!!!  So whaaaaaaaattttttttttt??????????????  A pig is a pig, and this guy should be barred from every Broadway house in town.  I don't want some trash ruining entertainment I paid good money for.

                                              I will never forget,  more than twenty years ago,  the screening at the old Regency Theater of "The Wizard Of Oz."  The film had started, and Judy Garland was just about to sing "Over The Rainbow," when the projector broke down!  You never saw such a reaction!  I thought I would be trampled in a riot, and the projectionist and staff would be killed!

                                               Not only was the problem remedied, but, because of the audience they were dealing with, they understood they had to start the film AGAIN--from the very beginning, the roaring of the MGM lion!

                                                  Shie got off easy!  But he better watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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