Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Let's Get Real About Jonah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Girls, let's talk about Jonah Hill. What a nice picture of a nice young man!   And what is it, with people named "J" this week--Jodi, Jonah, and Joshua Ferris (to be dealt with on another post).

                                 As far as Mr. Hill goes, let me first tell you, darlings, I was a bit naive.  I thought he had said to the photographer, "Suck my dick, fucker!" "Faggot" has the same amount of letters; it didn't cross my mind when I first heard of the incident that that was the word used.

                                     I agree, with Jonah, it was an unfortunate choice. But, listen, after being hounded by the paparazzi--and, as the Raving Queen, believe me, darlings, I know what this is like, and can relate to Jonah--I can't really blame Jonah for getting steamed. And sometimes, when we get steamed, well, look out!!!!!!!  Go back and read my post about lunch at Demarchelier's!!!!!!!!!  Just like Angelina Jolie as Lisa Rowe--before I had ever seen her!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Jonah is a straight man who is known to be a supporter of gays and their rights.  Which is one reason why so many gays like him. The other is, he is kinda cute. And he does not begin to compare with real homophobia, like Adam Sandler.

                                        But, let me just say, from personal experience, what Jonah did was paltry,compared to that bitch at the Exton Mall in Pennsylvania earlier this Spring. As soon as my beloved confronted her with being wrong, she chimes, "I don't know why you faggots feel so entitled!"

                                           Excuse me?  This is the first retort, the only she can think of?  And a woman, at that?  You can bet I got into her face, and said a few choice words. Only, unlike Jonah, I am not apologizing.

                                              Believe me, no one lashes out against homophobia more readily than yours truly.  What Jonah did was not homophobic. His record speaks for himself.  He was just being careless.

                                                 And let he who has not been careless.......................

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