Thursday, June 19, 2014

Look Who Is Gracing The Cover Of The Current "American Cinematographer" Magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       None other than everyone's favorite several stories reptile, Gojira, which is how the Ken Watanabe character pronounces it in the current movie, which is still in the Box Office Top Ten, and was the biggest grossing opener for 2014!  And isn't he cute, and cuddly?  You just want to give him a big hug!

                                        So does everyone in the movie, which Gojira turns out to be the hero of!  I saw this opening weekend, and I know he is getting lots of offerings for cover shoots, product endorsements, even political office!  I would vote for him in a minute!

                                          Congratulations, Gojira, on making the cover  of American Cinematographer.

                                            Let's hope "VOGUE,"  with Anna, will follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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