Friday, June 27, 2014

Now, Girls, Tonight's Advanced Placement Bitch Assignment Involves Extra Credit, Because You Are Dealing With Two Characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Darlings, I simply could not let Gay Pride go by, without some reference to "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?"  It would not be Pride Week, without it!

                                I also realized this would be perfect for your course work.  So, the assignment for today is to write an essay on "Who Is The More Evil Sister--Jane Or Blanche?"

                                 I am sure you will understand my thoughts on this!  As far as I am concerned, it is Blanche!  First, she was played by Joan Crawford, who, we know now, was one big, old, duplicitous bitch!!!!!!!!!!  Second, Blanche had the ax to grind longer!

                                   Remember the scene when Gina Gillespie, as the child, Blanche, says those immortal lines, "I won't forget!  You bet I won't forget?"  Then we see the accident, and we know someone was injured, but not until we move into the present do we see who it was.  And with Jane, by this time, more than three quarters around the bend, it is easy to imagine that she was the one who ran down Blanche.

                                    But, then, there's that beach scene, where Blanche not only confesses she did it, but she made Jane into the psychotic monster she was.  She delivers that zinger, "You weren't ugly, then.  I made you that way.  I even did that!"

                                    Blanche was some evil bitch!  In the novel, she even says, "I threw your life away, Jane...." saying how if she hadn't done what she did, Jane might have gone on to marriage and children.  But then she finishes, with, "I knew what it would do to you, living on my charity.  I had lived off of yours, long enough!"

                                    What a fucking bitch Blanche was!  And a masochist!  Because all the abuse and torture Jane gave to   her she took, because it was only what she deserved!  She asked for it!

                                       So, my vote is for Blanche!  Let's see if I can prove it!

                               'Baby Jane' is the perfect gay film, because, in Jane's childhood is seen the one so many of us wanted.  I am speaking for myself,  here.

                                But watch out, if getting even in adulthood, darlings!  Like the program title says, karma can be a bitch!  Don't screw yourselves, the way Joan/Blanche did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. No contest, class: I aced this course. I've been alternating between playing Blanche and Jane my entire life- I can't shake this dynamic no matter what the relationship: my sister, my mother, my partners...

    At least I'm a self-aware bitch, and try to check myself before I wreck myself. My sister, OTOH, combines Baby Jane's psychosis with Rhoda Penmark's icy cunning (and a big dollop of Veda Pierce's chip-on-the-shoulder ingratitude).

  2. Your sister sounds scary; too bad Tennessee Williams did not meet up with her!

    Have a wonderful Pride Weekend!
