Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our Gay Friendly (Or Is It Friendly Gay??????) TV Weatherman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         After my beloved and I howl over the howlers on "Judge Judy," we watch the CBS News at 11PM, and we don't turn the set off till we have seen weatherman Lonny Quinn. Would you believe, girls, that he will be 51 this year?  What TV does for some people; on the tube, Lonny comes off as being in his late thirties.  He is some blond brand of Irishman that many girls would love to run off with on a sailing vessel.  Me, I am content to stay in my Brooklyn port, with my beloved.  But I can't help smiling whenever Lonny appears on TV.

                         Let's get real, girls.  Whatever the spin says, Sharon is a beard.  The other night, when Lonny mentioned "Fire Island" I caught an unmistakable gleam in his eye, and cadence in his voice that told me he knows more than his fair share about out there!  I am sure Lonny's gay male viewership is pretty high, and there's many a fantasy going on in the tri-borough area over him.  But I think Lonny has had his fair share of action, and then some.

                         Take it from me, girls--he is a big old bottom!  Bet he could do the bathroom scene from "Valley Of The Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           It would be nice if Lonny came out. But who cares, when he looks so good????????

                            As fresh and cool as a lemon glissade during this Summer Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            We love you, Lonny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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