Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That Laura Kendrick Was Some Piece Of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I can't recall if I had ever seen the "Law And Order" episode "Fools For Love," but after viewing it the other evening, I realized several things about it. For one, that Laura Kendrick (played brilliantly by Ellen Pompeo) was some sick bitch, and why shouldn't she be--she was based on whom I consider the Second Most Evil Woman Of All Time--Canada's Karla Homolka, who, with her boy friend Paul Bernardo, went on a killing spree of several women, which included rape, and one of the victims was Karla's own sister, Tammy.

                               The show's trajectory was pretty much the same.  The Kendricks allow their daughters, Laura and Janie, to go on all girl trip, without them, to Manhattan--not a good idea, right there!!!!--with Laura being only 17 and Janie l1.  In the Big Apple, Laura meets and becomes sexually in thrall to Peter Williams (played chillingly by Sam Ball) who is your basic serial rapist, but is turned on by Laura's being turned on by victimization and murder, as, in collaborating with him, her sociopathic tendencies come out. Just like they did with  the Most Evil Woman Of All Time, the late Moors murderer, Myra Hindley, after she hooked up with that scum, Ian Brady, who, at 77, is unfortunately, still alive.

                                "Fools For Love?"  More like "Fools For Sickness!!!!!!!!!"

                                 What Laura did was bad enough. But the look on her face as she recounts her deeds remorselessly, with the camera cutting to her parents horror over the realization of the monster they have had in their midst was the most disturbing part of this disturbing episode, and I truly felt bad for them. They lost not one, but two, daughters.   And this was truly not their fault.  Would Laura have emerged this way, anyway?  How about Myra?   Or Karla?  Yes, but only in tandem with someone else. There had to be a connective bond for it to work.  In each case, if it had not been the man they found, it would have been someone else.

                                    Ellen did such a great job as Laura, I wanted to walk right up to her, and smack her face!  But don't worry, someone will!  When she gets to prison, and the inmates find out she raped and murdered her own sister, and that the girl was only 11, Laura is going to get her eyes scratched out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Which is exactly what she deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Folie a deux....I think that's what it's called.


  2. Tracey,

    Yes, you are right.
    These types are hard to spot
    or pin down, until they
    coalesce with someone else!

    Thanks for sharing, and welcome!
