Friday, June 20, 2014

This Scene Brings Out So Many Aspects Of My Life, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Not since "Girl, Interrupted," has a movie plummeted the depths of my life, like "Female Trouble."  Now, I never ate anything in class.  The reason I am including this scene is because of the girl in the lower left corner, in the blue sweater. That is Maggie Skidmore, playing what is credited as "School Snitch," and whom the teacher addresses as "Miss Harren."  But, girls, for those of you who don't know, and who wonder what I have been talking about on here, she is exactly what it was like being in a class with Diane Dykeman!  This is the screen equivalent of Diane Dykeman.

                                Now, I know all schools have these representative types, so when you watch this scene, I am sure you will see yours.  Mine just happened to be Diane!

                                 And what happens to these so-called high achievers?  Many end up living in street side trailers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I was also glad to see Dawn smack the girl in front, for calling her fat!  Plenty of people I should have smacked!

                                  But the nice thing about this scene, girls, is you can achieve a catharsis!  It can make you feel you are reliving those moments--on YOUR terms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    There is just so much that Dawn Davenport can teach future gays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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