Sunday, June 8, 2014

What A Stinging Good Time We Had, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         As I mentioned earlier, the movie of the evening last night was the 1974--that is 40 years, girls!!!!!--made-for-TV classic, "Killer Bees," which I had heard of for years, but had never seen!  The most wicked, trashy fun I have had all week!!!!  How could Monsieur fall asleep during this????  But, then,--would you believe it????--he has never seen "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman?????"

                                         That will soon be corrected.  Who would have thought this movie would contain such artistic influence?  Gloria, at the end of her career, Kate Jackson at the start of hers, and Edward Albert (Eddie's son!!!) at the peak--some peak--of his!!!!!  Curtis Harrington, who went on to do "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle" and the acclaimed "L.A. Confidential"  showed promise even here.  But who would have thought a piece of trash like this would have influenced the like of "Star Wars," "Burnt Offerings," and "The Swarm????"

                                         Gloria is showing her age, but she gives it her all.  She is supposed to be from South Africa, but she sounds like she came from Germany; either that, or she watched Uta Hagen in "The Other," and maybe tried to channel her.  But her hair style!  Look at it!  It is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The bees, of course, listen to Gloria--she is their Queen!!!!--and these are African killer bees, the kind that need a female queen, not a gay one! Just wait till you see Gloria's attic bedroom and rocking chair, swarming with bees, and dripping with honey like a living, infested honeycomb!!!!!  And once poor Kate walks through that door, it's Karen Black in "Burnt Offerings" all over again!!!!!!!!!!!   If I was Edward Albert, I would have beaten a hasty retreat at the end of this movie!  Better than staying on the farm with all these bees controlling not only these wack jobs, but the entire town!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I loved the shot of the swarm buzzing out of the church, and going  to the house!  That is when someone close to Irwin Allen--when would he have had time to watch this crap; that is what one has assistants for!!!!--called him, and set him on the path that resulted in "The Swarm!"

                                         Gloria even gets her close-up here, but it's too bad it is when she is dead!

                                         Once upon a time, bees were cute--remember the one on the Bumble Bee Tuna can, and Mister Do Bee on "Romper Room?"  I will only mention Mr. Don't Bee on here in passing, as too many have followed his paths, dolls!

                                           Like Kate Jackson and Edward Albert, whose careers just tanked!  Unlike the bees, some of whom were probably contracted out for "The Swarm!"

                                            What would Norma Desmond have thought of it all????????????????



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